A review by readlovereviewblog
Not So Prince Charming by Lauren Landish


I would not exactly say the hitmen, danger, and evil CEOs is my idea of a fairy tale. Still, I do think the author did a great job in holding the romance in her story. As this book doesn't meet my fairy tale expectations. It was a great exciting read with the danger and mystery involved. If you love a bad boy and a whole ton of action, you don't want to miss this story. I also loved that the characters from the first book were included in this story. I even enjoyed the trouble from the first book expanded on to keep the reader guessing. She weaved and expanded her story perfectly, even though this was focused on different main characters. I do like that, although not everything is tied up at the end of the story. You still get a happy ending—lots of steamy scenes and a little bit of mystery about what book 3 will contain.
I still thought the author really brought her vision to life, interweaving danger and unexpected surprises along the way. I really didn't enjoy this book as much I thought I would, but it was a great middle story to the series. I kinda wished the relationship didn't progress as quickly as it did, but at the same time, I did enjoy the romantic and hot scenes.