A review by anatomydetective
The Disappointment Artist: Essays by Jonathan Lethem


Slogging through this incredibly short book made me wonder if perhaps my problem with [b:Motherless Brooklyn|328854|Motherless Brooklyn|Jonathan Lethem|https://d202m5krfqbpi5.cloudfront.net/books/1348254729s/328854.jpg|1971553] is not that I always tried to read it at a time when my life was too easily disrupted. Maybe I just don't like Lethem's writing when he's not writing fiction. Generally when I read a good piece of creative nonfiction, it can make me interested in a subject I was actively disinterested in, not to mention those I'd never known about or considered. The essays in The Disappointment Artist managed to make me *less* interested in topics I was quite interested in, as well as putting me off a few authors I'd never heard of and cementing my conclusion that I don't want to read much [a:Philip K Dick|7781992|Philip K Dick|https://www.goodreads.com/assets/nophoto/user/u_50x66-d9f6a4a5badfda0f69e70cc94d962125.png]. Disappointment indeed, especially since I really enjoy Lethem's fiction.