A review by nasaje
His Convenient Husband by Robin Covington


3.5 stars.

Isaiah Blackwell is a pro football player who lost his husband three years ago. He is raising his 14-year-old son, Evan. Evan looks up to the professional Russian ballet dancer seeking asylum in the US, Victor Aleksandrov. Isaiah and Victor meet after one of Victor's perfomances, and the two are attracted to each other, but decide that nothing should come out of it because Isaiah feels he already had his chance at love, and has Evan to worry about now. However, after Victor's asylum is denied, Isaiah offers to marry him so that Victor - who is very publicly vocal about gay rights - is not sent back to his country and possibly killed. The two try to navigate their new reality as newlyweds and try to determine the nature of their relationship behind closed doors as well.

Reading about Isaiah and Victor falling in love was great. Victor is an interesting character, and different from MCs in other books in the genre. There is angst there which keeps it interesting, but since we get to hear the story from both sides, it doesn't hit you as hard as it could have, which drags it down a little for me. I would also have liked to hear more about Victor's life and problems in his home country, and Evan's - Isaiah's son - navigation in the genders and his sexuality.

ARC provided in exchange for my honest review