A review by evenshadow
Garden of Lies by Amanda Quick


I don't think I've ever read of a detective that's so remarkably stupid. For a strong, well-educated, supposedly independent woman, she seems to require a lot of saving and love from emotionally traumatized men. The plot was poorly thought out, and based around the premise that a wealthy businessman would completely destroy his own lucratively profitable business because he wanted to have a monopoly on an entirely different continent.

I'm sorry, if he's the only one selling the product, he still has the monopoly whether it's in two countries or one. There is no logical explanation for randomly deciding to decimate a well-established business just because you want to start the exact same business an ocean away. Especially when he never even lived in the country he was running the business in in the first place. He lost so much revenue for nothing. Killing competition (ie. Anne) makes sense. Killing loyal employees for no reason is, well, unreasonable, and to have the whole plot hinge on that was ridiculous.

Maybe I missed something while I was skimming past the unnecessary sex scenes that made this mess make sense, but there really should be a minimum IQ required to write a mystery novel. The author of this one might have spared us her work if that was the case.