A review by septemberheartflakes
Being A Quran Tag Girl by Ayesha Syahira


Pick this book up, read it and fill yourself with hope. Take the hope and run with it. That's what I can say about my feeling after reading this book

I had seen people having tags on their Quran for years, aspire to be one of them but never felt good enough to do so. Reading this book feels like sister Ayesha just hugged me and said I don't have to wait until I'm good to start.

It's so inspiring and genuine, the story of sister Ayesha's relationship with the al Quran, that I feel like little flowers started growing in my heart. The fact that I'm writing a book review in prose instead of my standard criticism should tell all (I tend to be skeptic when it comes to books like this because I'm the kind of reader who reads tone and between the lines).

The content is simple but in no way something you can think of yourself. In other words, this is a book I would say everyone should read. It's eye-opening and inviting us to have a relationship with the Quran, whether the idea has crossed our mind or we never heard of such doing. You will want this small book to change your life.

Sister Ayesha writes with heart, I can tell you that not a lot of people does that. She shares genuinely to spread the happiness and serenity she feels so other people can be happy too, you can feel it in her words.

Technically, the book is also systematic. I do not think it's too personal at all (like some reviews say). I think any fictional book should have stories or experience to back up the points, it's a form of justification, it's necessary. All the stories sister Ayesha shares about her is necessary. I'd like to clarify there are grammar in here but not more than one hand to count, not enough to put even a perfectionist off (I believe this is not the writer's fault but the editor who was paid to edit the manuscript's flaw).

Love this book!!

p.s// I bought myself an English Quran translation and paper tabs after reading this book, I want to be a Quran tag girl too!!