A review by meggie82461
One Too Many by Jade West


4.5 filthy, meaningful stars!

I've developed somewhat of an affinity for Jade West, so I knew going in that I would enjoy this book. What I didn't expect was the suspense, the character development, and raw emotion. The filthy hot sex, though? Totally expected that from my girl.

I'm not going to go into much of the plot because this book is best delved into blind. Grace and Brett are married and have happened upon tough times. Thomas makes an offer they can't refuse, but the mysterious outsider seems to have motives. Grace and Brett are special, though, and the rules don't apply to them.

Grace, Brett, and Thomas are all developed characters, deeply flawed in the way humans are. I rolled my eyes plenty of times in this book, and I became nervous at one point that the ending would be too unrealistic, the easy way out. Thankfully, Jade went a different route, and that's what made this book damn near perfect. I only deducted a half-star for the sappy parts, when Jade went a bit too far turning filthy sex into something more, but damn was the filthy sex hot.

I will say this: the first half of the book is dark and foreboding. I didn't necessarily enjoy it, but I couldn't stop reading. The second half, things take a turn. So stick with it if you aren't sure at the beginning.

Not proud like I was proud, with ice at the edges of every sentence. Proud like a guy who loved his wife and shrugged off his lot in life as more than enough.
Maybe it was more than enough.