A review by mayoroffailure
Rise of ISIS: A Threat We Can't Ignore by Jay Sekulow


I think that Mr. Sekulow really wanted to write a book about Hamas, because most of the chapters in this book are about Hamas. The book says that it explores the relationship between Hamas and ISIS, but outside of a couple of nominal connections, I dont really see what he was referring to. I bought this book as part if my research for an ISIS documentary that I was working on and thought that it would be good for some information, and while the first chapter was, ISIS really isn't brought up beyond that.

The core of this book revolves around the on and off wars between Israel and Hamas controlled Gaza, and despite the misleading title, this information was interesting. Instead of just spouting facts for consumption like to many other war books do Mr. Sekulow takes a different look at the conflict, he analyzes it from the law of war. Now initially I thought that this was a pretty bad idea, simply because I thought that everyone supported and upheld the law of war up until a conflict actually happens (kind of like the do not run sign at pools).

But instead I learned that Israel, at least in the information Mr. Sekulow provides, actually follows the Law of War quite well. This book defines just what the major principles of the Law are, and how Hamas is violating it while making Israel look bad. I thought that all of this information was quite interesting to read because the idea that fighting a war actually has rules, is a concept that I think most people overlook. Never the less, if one of the most longstanding conflicts in the middle east is something that your interested in then give this book a try, just dont expect it to be about ISIS.

The only other real complaint I have is simply the fact that Mr. Sekulow really likes to interject his opinion on a couple of groups that I wont name. It's at least my opinion that if you are going to write a book about a conflict and present the facts of that conflict, then you have to abstain from including your own personal opinion. Other than the misleading title and the portions that include a personal opinion, I thought this book was a good analysis of why and how Hamas is a terrorist organization.