A review by ajith_wordshaker
Inglorious Empire: What the British Did to India by Shashi Tharoor


It is impossible to read this book without experiencing a sense of frustration towards the historical actions of the British Empire, which perpetrated numerous appalling acts of looting and inflicted unimaginable horrors upon India. As an Indian currently residing in Britain, I can attest that the British people and authorities today display kindness and generosity. Perhaps deep within their collective consciousness, there exists a lingering awareness of the guilt associated with their past actions. The magnitude of atrocities committed by the East India Company and the British government is truly difficult to comprehend. They not only colonized the entire country but also engaged in extensive looting, perpetrating unspeakable acts of cruelty that defy measurement.
Shashi Tharoor, with his exceptional skill in presenting things in his own unique language, vividly brings to light the injustices committed by the colonial British people.

"History belongs in the past; but understanding it is the duty of the present" - Shashi Tharoor