A review by hkeeney7398
The Frontiersman's Daughter by Laura Frantz


This book really had me going in the first half. So many years were covered, and so many things were packed into such a small part of the book. Then we hit the second half, and it felt like the author kept adding things to make the story go on, when she should have wrapped it up. Lael also should have spoken up to the men she loved like she had the spunk to do quite a few other times to other people. Her and Ian's romance wouldn't have dragged out so long then.

Overall, I looked the book at first, but I honestly was more intrigued about Lael just being dropped off at school. I would have loved to hear more about that experience and how she grew during that experience, because it seemed like the same girl who left was the same girl who came back even though there was how many years of difference.

I did appreciate the growth she had in the second half, and the way the author brought about her conversion was very well done and it didn't seem forced. I will be reading more of her books.