A review by bookbriefs
Mything You: Heroes of Greece by Greta Buckle, Victoria Pinder


You all know by now how much I love mythology. I took all of the mythology courses my college offered and I have read the myths on my own, so I really enjoy reading interpretations and retellings of classic myths. Mything You is a retelling of Theseus and the Minotaur. And it is really well done. But what I really liked about it was that Greta Buckle very masterfully worked other myths into the story. I loved that, and it worked so well. The story of Mything You is well written and well told. If you like mythology, or even if you don't like mythology you should read this book.

Theseus and Ari are the main characters of the story and I thought they were adorable! I couldn't get enough of them. Ari is a spitfire. I loved how independent she is. It's a trait that you didn't see all that much in some myths. I loved how Greta portrayed her. It worked really well with the story. Normally when books have a hero and heroine, I am more drawn to the hero. But here Ari was so well done and so darn likeable that I ended up liking her more! Don't get me wrong, Theseus is a great hero and I really enjoyed him as well but there is just something about how strong Ari was that I gravitated towards.

Mything You is a very quick read. I gave myself a "quick study break" to start reading this book, and I got so wrapped up in the book and I ended up reading it in one shot. There was always something going on that made me need to turn the next page. Lot's of action and conflicts and romance to keep me wanting more and more. Mything you is a mythology re-telling done right! I loved how true it was to the back story of the classic myths, but in a modern and completely relate able way. I was really impressed with Greta's writing style. I thought it was engaging and really interesting.