A review by venusofthesnakes
The Empire of Gold by S.A. Chakraborty


Part 3 = better plot, better writing. Solid not quite 4


- Dara is a seesaw.
- Nahri is better written.
- Ali is very dear (I hated Ali so much book 1, but he was doing better book 2).
- An astonishing amount of women fighters (I say astonishing because everyone is astonished when yet another appears).
- Everyone feels very strongly about the wrongs visited on their ancestors at least 2000 years earlier. (Imagine still being pissed because a Roman general oppressed your ancestors village).
- Family is a big theme here.
- The villain is more villainous.
- Everyone continues to be amazingly prejudiced, until, they are not.
- No satisfaction with the ending of Ali and Nahri. What a build up, what a let down.
- I threw up a little in my mouth at some descriptions of horrors. This is a good thing!

My general consensus is too bad I had to read books 1 and 2 to get to this one. I would never want to read those again, but this one I could pick up.