A review by micheala
The Icepick Surgeon: Murder, Fraud, Sabotage, Piracy, and Other Dastardly Deeds Perpetuated in the Name of Science by Sam Kean


This was a really interesting look into 12 historical instances involving someone doing something illegal/immoral in the name of science. 

I initially was just listening to the audiobook, which the narrator does a fantastic job, and thought there were a few weird points wear the author directed you to his podcast or website. However, once I flipped through the physical copy, I realized all of those were footnotes and it stopped feeling weird. 

I enjoyed the way this was layed out, both in the length of each chapter as well as progressing fairly linearly with each case study. 

It was interesting to see how the motives affected the perception of the crimes done in the name of science - both by the individual themselves as well as others. 

If you like medical history, questions about morality in science, or just macabre history, I would suggest giving this one a go.