A review by frominktopaper
Puck: (A Twisted Lit Novel) by Kim Askew, Amy Helmes


Original review posted on my blog From Ink to Paper

I received this book as an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

I was intrigued when I got the request to review this book because I enjoy the Midsummer Night's Dream story and thought that is cool it is a twisted version of it. Hence the name twisted lit novel. When I first started reading I wasn't really sure how I felt about it to be honest. I was like I am not sure I can get into this and I feel like it is for a younger audience.

Then I got going on it, and I started getting more involved with the characters and being like I want to see what happens. I started rooting for Puck because at first I was like come on Puck grow up and then again I got going and I was like feeling for her and wanting her to succeed. I also liked how the characters go along with the Midsummer story, the love square between the 4 camp counselors and how it is Puck's flower drink that makes them go all crazy and not remember who got with who and just how it plays out similar to the story.

I thought the characters were likeable, more so once you get going and hear their story and what they are going through. It is a journey you go on with them and you feel for them. Again just the fun part of Titania who is a pop star instead of queen of the fairies, but you can see the similarities and how she was based off the character in the play. I thought the humor that was involved in the banter between the kids were great. I love when all of a sudden Snout just pops up and is normal.

I think this was a great idea for a story and a fun read. I think it is a good book for older children, teens, young adult, and even fun for adults. For those who are fans of Shakespeare and this play it is a fun read just trying to figure out the similarities and being like oh yeah that goes with this! I am glad that I had the opportunity to read and review this book and look forward to checking out other Twisted Lit novels!