A review by bookish_benny
The Black Coast by Mike Brooks


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The Black Coast is a good starting book for The God-King Chronicles. It is not an excellent book and it is not a bad book.

The worldbuilding in this book is really good. It's believable and the mention of crossing the ocean really puts this image in your head that the world is two large continents or more, with warring tribes and differences of opinions via religions and personal beliefs.

Some parts in this book really stood out, namely the action parts with people like Rikkut and The Golden and other parts just seemed to be bits that I didn't want to read as much. The characters are believable which is great but I wanted more from some of them as they really faded into the background of the story.

The unique parts of this book were really hit and miss. On one part you have dragons who don't fly (as far as I can tell) and the Naridans ride them into battle which is really cool. Then you have the whole gender language and take, which for me, I have no interest in if I'm completely honest. At times, initially, it made the book trickier to read since I was having to re-read sentences to understand what was being said between each person.

To summarise, I enjoyed the book. I think the story is unique and I love multiple POV stories. I enjoyed the fantasy elements within this story and only wish some other parts were more fleshed out and more exciting. It is obvious to see that the author, Mike Brooks, is creating something bigger here. I just hope he can pull it off.