A review by etinney
Ultraviolet by R.J. Anderson


4 out of 5 stars

I really enjoyed this book. I kind of put it on my to-read shelf on a whim after hearing some good recommendations, and I'm really glad that I read it.
When I started the book, I knew right away that she had synthesthia but I didn't consider the book too predictable because anyone who knows what that phenomenon is would be able to see that right away. I thought the way that the author described Alison's senses was beautiful. I really liked how the chapter numbers had the colors/emotions attached to them. It was a small detail that pulled the book together for me. I liked her relationship with the other people in the book, especially how she ends up befriending Tori and finding out that Mel betrayed her. Alison definitely grew stronger and more independent, and I liked how the author equated strength with expressing your emotions because we often see characters who are "strong" because they have no emotions, which is just not accurate.
I thought the book was be more of a psychological thriller and I was not expecting the heavy science fiction twist at the end of the book. It wasn't necessarily bad; it just wasn't what I thought it would be.
Despite all the positives, I did have a couple of problems. I thought her relationship with Faraday was a little forced. It was a little insta-love to me. I knew they had a connection, but I didn't really see it as romantic. Also, I didn't like the way that she handled the situation with Kirk forcing himself on her. She kept blaming herself and trying to justify why he did it (which it doesn't matter if you had a bad home life, you don't do that to people justifiably).
Besides that, I really did like the book and I will read the next one though I'm not sure what it will be about as I feel like this one wrapped up nicely.