A review by seandelliot
The Naked Roommate: For Parents Only: Calling, Not Calling, Roommates, Relationships, Friends, Finances, and Everything Else That Really Matters When by Harlan Cohen


If you're about to send your firstborn off to college ... I wouldn't consider this a "must-read", but it's well worth considering. Cohen wrote this a decade ago ... and hasn't released an update ... so some of the information is dated (because, really, does ANYONE still use MySpace?) ... but where he's not spending too much time on tech issues he's giving really decent advice on how to navigate the challenges as parents of sending your precious baby away to college. I may have shed a few tears here and there as I think about the looming drop-off date ... and I may have cringed at the behavior of students and parents described in some of the personal accounts offered as examples. I feel at least a little better prepared for August 29th, and the weeks and months that will follow, but only a little. Because, let's be honest, no plan lasts once you get punched in the face (metaphorically, of course). Also bought the version for the student, hoping he reads it as well, but not holding my breath.