A review by bethreadsandnaps
Dispatches from a Not-So-Perfect Life: Or How I Learned to Love the House, the Man, the Child by Faulkner Fox


Let's start out with the good. The author has the coolest name ever. I would love to be named Faulkner Fox.

And then there's the book. Have you ever wanted to stab an author? This was my first time in wanting to commit homicide. I know, I should have just put the book down; it would have done wonders for my blood pressure.

I couldn't stand her tone - it was whiny, it was annoying, it was overprivileged, it was completely ungracious, it was petty. I don't need to hear her two birthing stories over 50 pages, like she's the only woman who has ever given birth. I really want to smack this woman.

But she has a cool name.