A review by receptively_reviewed
Mr. Nightmare by Joe Scipione


A solid three.

This book was a good read in between my heavier reads. It was a story to tell around campfires with old friends that someone follow you back home and you question noises that creak and whistle in your home at night. Being that the book deals with 4 teenagers, I think it really summed them up all. Generally, in all books I read, there is too much ego and drama amongst teens, but this group was friends and it was pleasant to see. it is a stark difference from some pretty significant books selling highly well these days and one reason they ended being on my DNF list. Nothing everything needs to be so drama heavy.

Mr. Nightmare is a newer urban legend. [a:Joe Scipione|19550165|Joe Scipione|https://images.gr-assets.com/authors/1602491555p2/19550165.jpg] did a wonderful job of crafting an underground classic to be retold in tongues in many fashions in many ways.