A review by belle_fiction
Moranthology by Caitlin Moran


4.5 stars

Hahahaha, I think I need a lie down now.

So, what can I possibly say about Moranthology which hasn't already been said before?

In a nutshell, it's bloody fantastic, very accessible, loaded with sharp wit, an ever-discerning eye and pumped full of silliness. If Moranthology was a dessert, it would be a mash-up of all your favourites with some sprinkles added on top.

Caitlin Moran does what she does best - she puts her heart and soul into everything she writes, and in the process mocks herself quite a lot. She is a fun-loving free spirit and I fully salute her chaotic craziness. She is a breath of fresh air which I hope to channel one day.

In this collection of columns, she discusses the art of chivalry and the reason why it's dying (which turns out to be all womens' doing), why she doesn't agree with giving kids party bags at the end of a birthday, why she thinks Lola out of Charlie and Lola is an unsuitable role model for all young girls (including her daughters) and why she made a terrible terrible stoner. Oh, and there are also some amusing snippets involving bedtime conversation with her husband, Pete.

Moranthology is a MUST for Moran fans so what are you waiting for? Go, get it and revel in some light-hearted silliness. You won't even notice Winter's on its way!

And, Caitlin, you can't copyright your hair because I want it and by god, one day I'll have it!