A review by cantrememberthedreamthatihad
Autobiography of Martin Luther King, Jr by Martin Luther King Jr., Clayborne Carson


The achievements of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. cannot be overstated. His assassination at the age of 39 prevented him from writing a real autobiography, so editor Clayborne Carson has assembled writings, speeches, and sermons by Dr. King to construct this book.

This book gives remarkable insight into King's thoughts about his childhood, about various civil rights campaigns in Montgomery, Atlanta, Selma, and others as well as his anti-war and anti-poverty stance. It reveals the thoughts of a truly brilliant and remarkable human being whose dedication to non-violence resistance is as inspiring and important today as it was in the 60's.

As this is a collection of writings and not an actual autobiography, the narrative suffers a bit at times, there isn't much on Dr. King's personal life, and there are repetitive portions, but again, Dr. King was never able to assemble an autobiography.

This is an important work for anyone who wants a greater insight into Dr. King's thought processes, morals, and dedication to combating racism, poverty, and violence.