A review by brokenrecord
Luna and the Lie by Mariana Zapata


This was good! Not absolute top-tier Mariana Zapata, but good. There were a few things I felt like I should be more judgmental at Rip for, like… he was VERY possessive at the end and crossed the line a bit with some of his actions (like chasing off all her dates — although it helped that she had basically already told him she was into him but didn't think he was into her, so he was just trying to prove it). But honestly, this was just exactly the type of romance I was in the mood for, so I was willing to overlook some things.

I love slow burn romance so much, more than any other kind of romance, and I often get tired of reading romances that people say are slow burns but then the main character is somehow kissing only 100 pages in. So I always love being able to pick up a Mariana Zapata book and know that it's going to be a LONG journey before the characters admit being into one another, let alone anything else. It was the kind of romance I really love, with Rip and Luna slowly opening up and spending more time with one another and coming to rely on each other. I'm also always here for "platonic" bed-sharing, so that was fun. I enjoyed their dynamic a lot. There were one or two times I felt like Rip was going a bit too far in being mean/cruel, but I was kind of able to handwave it because I was enjoying the story so much.

And I really loved Luna, and how she made this family from the people at the garage, and how she had a surrogate father in Mr. Cooper, considering how her biological family treated her. I just loved her, and how she tried to be positive and happy, but she also wasn't naive and refused to take shit from anyone. I LOVED her reaction to Rudy coming for her, and that like… fierceness in delivering on her promise to
Spoilerhave his hand broken
was perfect, I loved that she followed through on that.

Basically, I enjoyed this! I'll pretty much always be up for checking out a new Mariana Zapata book.