A review by keiko65
Court of Nightfall by Karpov Kinrade


The book was good but it had so many parallels to the anime Code Geass that is kind of ruined the story for me.
1. Power of coercion that only works once on a person? Check.
2. An oppressed minority group that rebels are trying to liberate? Check.
3. MC is connected to the "ruling" class and determined to bring it down and gain power? Check.
4. Jax/Suzaku is a knight of the order but also one of the minority being oppressed and determined to change things from within the organization? Check.
5. MC believes things must be changed by use of force and joins with the rebels while hiding her identity behind a mask? Check.
6. Jax/Suzaku about to be executed until MC shows up with rebels to save him but he still refuses to join them to save himself? Check.

Really, I could go on and on with the similarities. Might want to pass if you have already seen Code Geass.