A review by easolinas
Fame: Twilight by Ryan Burton, Kimberly Sherman


It's pretty much a given that if you're not Amish or in a coma, you've probably heard of the Twilight series, its author, and the three lead actors.

It's also a given that anything related to the "Twilight" series or its stars is going to sell insanely well, even if it's a piece of garbage. And unfortunately, "Fame: Twilight" IS a piece of garbage -- an omnibus of clumsy graphic novels that manage to be both surreal and boring, with wretched illustrations and absurdly excessive praise.

The comic books compiled here are about Stephenie Meyer, Kristen Stewart, Rob Pattinson and Taylor Lautner -- each one has a brief biography, a list of previous accomplishments (if any), random factoids about them, and (most prominently) their involvement in the vampire romance series and subsequent fame.

Since this is Bluewater Press -- who brought us as comics about Sarah Palin and Michelle Obama -- you pretty much know how good this comic book is. It's a blatant cash-in, with "quality" ranking somewhere around tenth place. Most of each comic book is a mass of pasted-together quotations from various interviews, and mundane facts that only the most obsessed fans care about (Stewart plays guitar!).

These are threaded on a slow-moving, clunky narrative which tries to be breathlessly melodramatic ("Stephenie was 21 when she married Christian... also known as PANCHO"). The actual facts are pretty generic, but tarted up with really bad prose ("... his stunning, marblesque features and an ability to sparkle" -- marblesque?).

And every single one engages in wild hyperbole to some degree, insisting that Kristin Stewart is some sort of wild James-Dean-esque rebel and that Taylor Lautner is a "real life superhero."

Additionally, the art is just awful. The Lautner comic is the best of the bunch -- being merely bland -- but Pattinson and Stewart's faces change with every panel, and Meyers has an evil grin, sinister eyebrows, freakishly tiny hands, and she looks EXACTLY the same from the age of four onward. Most other people look like circus freaks, and Meyers' boring life is spiced up with some hilariously awful artistic conceits (a map of Utah appeared in her hand... for no reason).

"Fame: Twilight" is a blatant, painfully inept cash-grab, apparently slapped together in the hopes that Twilight fans are so fanatical that they will buy literally anything, no matter how bad it is.