A review by pwbalto
The Day I Lost My Superpowers by Michaël Escoffier


Enchanted Lion books, how I love you so! Your supersturdy papers are like lovely linen under my fingertips. Your authoritative corners and stiff boards announce your presence with authority. Your stitched bindings signal love and craftsmanship and also that the book is going to stay together even after a careless fall from a slippery stack of other, lesser picture books. All books should be built like Enchanted Lion books.

And every child should know that he or she is special like the kid in this book. She flies! (When tossed by a strong pair of hands.) She makes things disappear! (Mostly cupcakes.) And she can become invisible (when a beady-eyed mom prowls in search of whoever drew on the wallpaper and left an umbrella hanging from the chandelier).