A review by jammasterjamie
The Dark Knight Strikes Again by Frank Miller


Coming two decades after the original Dark Knight Returns, this story couldn't help but be disappointing. A fun read, but the art does not hold up in my opinion, and it really seemed like more of a cash-grab than a story that needed to be told. In fact, I could have lived a happy life had this story never seen print. Worth reading if you're a fan of the first one, but not so much otherwise.

I stand by my original sentiment - This was pretty craptacular. I can't believe they're doing DK3, and now apparently DK4 as well. Talk about pissing all over your legacy, Mr. Miller...

Some parts of the story have actually aged exceptionally well, but for the most-part this book still reads like a mess, only slightly redeemed by the events of DK3. If I could change this to 2.5 stars, I would because that feels like a nice compromise.