A review by jdye6529
Warm Bodies by Isaac Marion


Honestly I saw the movie years ago and loved it, it's one of my favorites. I found out not long after that there was a book, and I was so excited to read the book because if I loved the movie the book was going to be better, the book is always better. Unfortunately in my opinion this is one of the few exceptions, most of the book dragged on lifelessly....no pun intended. It just couldn't hold my attention and took me a rather long time to read. The last thirty or so pages improved greatly and were actually interesting but the book as a whole, not so much. The characters were developed well so that's not what I didn't like. I can't really pin point one thing I didn't like, it just wasn't enough for me, it was missing something that it needed desperately. I heard such good things about this book and was excited to finally read it, it's unfortunate I was extremely disappointed.