A review by lyriid
Cock & Bull by Laura Barnard


This book was an easy, light read with short chapters that was easy to pick up and put down.

There were some parts I wasn't a fan of, I feel the talking to the dead came out of nowhere and didn't really help the plot much, I'd have rather Phoebe interact with the locals more organically. I'd have rather more description of Ireland generally, it's such a beautiful backdrop for a romance it seems a shame we didn't explore it more!

The romance of Phoebe and Clooney was OK at first but in the end I just wanted them to stop arguing and actually have a conversation, I stopped feeling any connection between them after the first few arguments. Clooney did give a reason at the end but it was too little too late for me to care personally.

My main enjoyment from this book was Phoebe, she's not a perfect character (and I could have done without her slut shaming other women) but she just made me laugh. Even when she does stupid things like throw herself in a lake because she's stressed, I'm just like yeah I can relate. Then there's parts where she's worried about her 'lady bush' or pushing her chest out so Clooney won't ask questions that genuinely made me smile. Her relationship with her sister Ella was sweet, as was the one with her 'hippy parents' even if we only got a brief view of it.

Whilst this may not be a new favourite of mine I'm sure a lot of people will enjoy it, especially with an Irish love interest to drool over!