A review by soosoyi
I'll Be Right There by Kyung-sook Shin


"This too, shall pass. That advice applies both to those who suffer and to those whose lives are filled with abundance. To one, it gives strength to endure; to the other, the strength to be humble".

"Especially when that memory reminds me of what it felt like to be always out of place and always a step behind. Why was it so hard for me to open my eyes every morning, why was I so afraid to form a relationship with anyone...".

"Growing old does not make us any better at loving one another or understanding the meaning of life or death. Nor does knowledge come with the passage of time".

"He looked like a house that was caving in".

"But all I see are layers of darkness. I take a single step into the dark and stand there".

"I just want something to change. Nothing ever changes no matter how hard we fight, so we become lethargic...Everything is the same. It only feels like time is passing, and only the characters change. We are torn apart and chased around. We fight back and get chased some more...We all stare at the walls and complain of loneliness. All we have to do is turn around, but instead we keep our faces to the walls".

"Her terror was probably worse than the pain of being stabbed to death".

"I bow my head in respect to all hands rough with labor".

"How do we judge truth and goodness? Where are justice and righteousness hiding? A society that is violent or corrupt prohibits mutual communication. A society that fears communication is unable to solve any problem. It looks for someone to shift responsibility to and turns even more violent".

"Until you are down to your final breath, love and fight and rage and grieve and live".