A review by nabenn67
Charming the Prince by Teresa Medeiros


3.5 - 3.75

I enjoyed this book. I love historical romances, but that is not why I liked this book. In fact, in order to enjoy the book I had to let that go. What I like about historical novels -- good ones -- is being immersed in a different time and place, losing myself into a whole new world while learning a little bit about that time. I won't say there were glaring inaccuracies in this novel because I am not a historian so wouldn't know the facts. However, I have read enough historical books to know that the speech patterns were too 20th century; just throwing in a few "m'Lord, m'Lady" doesn't make it historical. So what I did was think of the book as something set during some generic time in some generic place. This freed me up from being side-tracked by things that didn't seem "right".

Once I did that I thoroughly enjoyed the story. It was fun, mostly light-hearted but still with enough emotional content to be substantial, and I cared enough about all the characters to be invested in how the story progressed and what happened to them. I will add Teresa Medeiros to my list of authors to read.