A review by bookladysreviews
The Pursuit of Lady Harriett by Rachael Anderson


*I received a free copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. All thoughts and opinions are my own.*

I've been meaning to read a Historical Romance for a very long time and knew that this was going to be a good one from the moment I read its synopsis and decided to join the Blog Tour for it! I haven't read the rest of the books in the series but, I'd really like to considering the fact that, this one was so interesting and well written. And I'd definitely like to keep on reading and discovering more lovely books of this particular genre!

The plot itself, as well as the characters were quite entertaining and I found myself enjoying their easy banter and great chemistry. Even though the story didn't blow my mind, it definitely sucked me in and made me enjoy it more than I'd hoped. Harriett and Christopher were very likable and I immensely enjoyed the romance going on between them. Throughout the story, we got to see their relationship develop at a very steady and natural pace, which was truth be told, very refreshing. It wasn't inst-love, which is quite common in books these days. On the contrary, they just fell in love with each other slowly and maybe without even realizing it.

Harriett was also a wonderful heroine since she knew what she wanted and fought for it. She also never shied away from a challenge and knew how to face with courage and determination. Christopher was the perfect match for Harriett, since he let her express herself but at the same time, was by her side for whatever she needed. His playfulness definitely won me over and made me like him even more as Harriett's love interest!

Overall, The Pursuit of Lady Harriett is definitely a book worth reading, especially if you're looking for an enjoyable and refreshing Historical Romance! It's a very well written book, with playful characters and a very entertaining story line! It'll make you laugh, swoon and want more! As for me, definitely picking up the rest of the books in the series as soon as possible! Hope you guys found this review helpful and hopefully, it'll make it easier for you to decide whether you want to give this book a chance or not!