A review by samiism
The Savages by Matt Whyman


This book was surprisingly good. It started slow, a bit uninteresting. I almost put this in my DNF pile, but I kept on reading and the story finally pulled itself together.

Like I said in an earlier update, The Savages has a A Series of Unfortunate Events feel to it, but darker. Not too many side characters, but the ones presented to us--the Savages, Vernon English, Sasha's two friends, Jack Greenway, Amanda Dias, and Ralph--are clearly hashed out.

I do admit that Ivan sometimes slips past me. I don't know how to say this clearly...but I often forget who he is. Yes, yes, he's the young Savage boy. But his voice disappears when other characters are around. I often mistake him for Titus or Jack, and I don't know why this is so.

This book is about a family that feasts on human meat. They don't call themselves cannibals, but instead refer to themselves as evolved eaters. Jack, Sasha's boyfriend, is a vegetarian who aspires to become vegan, mainly because he wants to bang the hot (but clearly cuckoo) vegan extremist who spoke at the university. Jack is an annoying shit, let me just tell you that. He's self-righteous and his heart is not in the right place. He is a loud and proud vegetarian because he feels superior to meat eaters.

Of all the characters in this book, Jack was the one who I most loathed. Even Ivan, that little dirtbag, didn't irk me as much.

SpoilerAs for Vernon English, the relentless private investigator, I thought the resolution of his involvement was sloppy by Savage standards. They seriously just let him dangle out the broken window with a foil nappy on? Let him run free?

I'm excited to see what happens next. Are the Savages okay? What happened to Amanda Dias? I need to know!!