A review by wildflowerz76
Orca by Steven Brust


3/1/14 - /sigh What the hell? Is it me? I loved the first 5 of this series. So much that when I did my last book ordered, I went ahead and bought the next two volumes (4 books total). I'm regretting that now. So this one still has Savn from Athyra, but he's broken. Maybe it's because I didn't really care about his character in the previous book, but I found this one incredibly tedious. It seemed like a lot of trouble to go through to get Mother's house back when she really didn't seem like, in the beginning, she was going to be able to help Savn at all. I'm putting the next volume in this series away for a while. I already own it, so I'll probably attempt to read it, but it won't be for a while. Here's hoping it's better when I finally get to it.