A review by spacemanchris
One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest by Ken Kesey

My main reason for finally getting around to this novel was an attempt at broadening the types of books I read. A fifty year old novel about patients in a mental asylum narrated by a silent Native American seemed different enough.

I liked that we got to see the story from Chief Bromden's point of view as it adds a bit of mystery to McMurphy. Although he's a loud mouthed braggart, there is presumably more going on beneath the surface that we never get to see. I liked that he remains a question mark of sorts from beginning to end.

Nurse Ratched never quite felt like a real character, but I assume that's the point. She's more of a manipulative figure of authority that lives simply to keep the patients in line, ruling the ward with her iron fist. She gained a little bit of sympathy from me towards the end, but only a little.

McMurphy is kind of a jerk, if not a likeable one. His realisation that he could be stuck in the ward for a very long time was an interesting moment. The idea that he could potentially be locked away forever without a chance at release gave a little more depth to his later actions.

It was nice to cross this book off my list, though it didn't grab me in the way it does a lot of others. Perhaps it's because it's so far removed from my own life and time or possibly because it'd be hyped up so much from others, or even the film adaptaton which I'd already seen gave me an idea of where the story was going.

A good book, but not one of my favourties.