A review by booksmakemyheartgofast
Wish by Victoria Harris


2,5/5⭐️ Good idea, (very) bad execution.

A story about an Irish girl in a “normal” world, grown up with stories of the Fae and with a dad who believed every word of the stories he told her. But when she’s twelve he disappears. (Climbing a mountain apparently.)

Okay to start of, this is a pretty original book. I don’t know how much of it is based on other Fae stories, but to me—somebody who never reads fae stories—it all sounded very original. I enjoyed the idea... But that’s also kinda it.

The writing style made me want to rip off my skin, though. That’s how annoying it was.

(Real quote from the book) ”Thanks,” I said gratefully.

Well, duh! We’re really not that stupid—even children, who this book is marketed to.

I’m not 100% sure this was said, but it gives off I nodded in agreement vibes.


The writing was bad, very bad. Besides the horrible use of adjectives and the thousand ways “says” is rewritten, it also doesn’t help that Cara is supposed to be 12. Trust me, a 12 year old doesn’t think/talk the way the book is portraying. I had to convince myself Cara was 15/16 just to prevent myself from not absolutely losing it and ditching this book (and my ipad) into the nearest river.

Another thing, this book feels way too cringe, cheesy and dark to be middle grade fiction! It’s a mix between toddler-bedtime-stories and Young-Adult. But all in a bad way.

It’s disappointing because the story overall was really interesting! That’s the only reason this book didn’t end up being a DNF.

Characters: 2/5
Originality: 4/5
Writing: 1/5
Story/plot: 4/5

(Thank you NetGalley, the publisher and the author for this free arc.)