A review by dxdnelion
Hotel 21 by Senta Rich


A charming and page turner book that hard to forget. This book is much better than I expected it to be. Telling us a story of Noelle, who is suffering from Kleptomania and child abuse from her mother, have been moving to various workplace after succeed of stealing some of the guest's items. As soon as she starts a new place, she gets the other cleaners to like her so that they won't believe she would steal from a guest. As soon as a guest claims that something is missing Noelle would puts her notice in and moves on after a couple of weeks. No one ever believes that she stole anything and her excuse for leaving is always a family emergency. But after arriving at 21st hotel, her 'stealing' job become much more difficult after meeting her co-worker that are different from others at her previous hotel.

Found Family Troupe ✅
Great Character Development ✅
Short read ✅
Charming side character ✅

Hotel 21 is definitely an enjoyable read, as someone who love found family troupe, this book is definitely something I would love. It did not disappoint. It accurately represent kleptomaniac, OCD and how trauma can also affect their disorder condition. I love Noelle character, definitely a character that you cannot hate. She's likeable despite on what she did, not to mention the side character is so funny as well. My favorite would be Gaby and Mali!! I loved the dynamic of the cleaners and how Noelle grows over the time she spends there. I love how she did admit that she love being with them. aaaa so precious!! I also loved how bonded they were with each other and the writing itself makes me feels the cleaners as a real people.

Its an easy, sweet and heartwarming story despite the trigger warning, Child abuse. And I have to mention that the child abuse depiction is quite graphic, so beware! I feel like if you love A Man Called Ove and Eleanor Oliphant is Completely Fine, you would also love this book as well.

Giving it 4