A review by faithfulgirl4
Oath of Office, by Michael Palmer


This book was intense from the start! The best thing about this book (for me, anyway) was that I was teaching on GMOs while reading this book! I was able to recommend this book to a group of teenagers. I'm always grateful to be able to do that. :)

The President takes an Oath to protect the citizens of the country for which he/she is in charge of for the period of time that they have been elected. What happens when you don't know what's going on in your country? What is someone tries to tell you and you choose to ignore them (even when it's your own spouse?) Could you live with yourself if you were President and you were inadvertently signing off on policies that could damage your people?

Lou has had some issues in his life but he has been able to control them with the help of his sponsor. Now, he wants to help others. When one of his mentees goes on a rampage and kills seven people in his office, Lou is feeling a bit responsible for finding out what's going on. He just doesn't see the end result coming. Who would have thought that a combination of chemicals and corn would cause someone to go beserk? Even more so, the strange events at the cafe have Lou wondering what's going on. Once Lou meets the local misfit and sees his bug collection, things begin to fall into place.

I highly recommend this book. I have always enjoyed reading [a:Michael Palmer|110485|Michael Palmer|http://photo.goodreads.com/authors/1271085641p2/110485.jpg]'s works and this one tops them all. As a reader, you may want to know that there is strong language and murder scene descriptions in this book. Palmer has a way of wrapping around the reader's brain early on and engrossing them in tales of medical and scientific wonder. I look forward to reading more of Mr. Palmer's work. I have a few older books of his to catch up on! :)

Many thanks to Michael Palmer for providing the book for review!