A review by amyiw
Box of Frogs by Helen Harper


Big horrible cliffhanger
Not a complete story in any sense, way or form.
This is a serial not a series.

3 1/2
1 star for the cliffhanger, almost want to take two as it is people possible dying, abduction, fleeing, cliffhanger. Be ready to read all the trilogy. I thought some of my friends were harsh with their ratings as I loved the beginning and was really enjoying most of the rest. There is a little slow down middle to end. So I'm rounding down for that reason. (After the next book, it deserves the round down and the slowing down is multiplied in the next book, drags and only moves the story forward slightly
Spoiler They are still only barely holding on to the sphere and Rubus convinces Madrona that she is responsible for closing the doorway to fairy

1/4 in, and this woman is a nut. It is hilarious. She finds that she has amnesia but only about herself and those that pertain to her. She has mad skills, like slowing time, so what does she decide... she's a super hero, hey because she must be good, right. And off she goes trying to help at the same time as find out who she is. She decides her super hero name is The Mad Hatter! OMG