A review by greeniezona
Curator of Ephemera at the New Museum for Archaic Media by Heid E. Erdrich


A book passed on from a friend, published by MSU Press. I adored it even more than I expected to. It took me a little while to learn how to read it. It's a true multi-media experience, with QR codes leading to videos that provide readings on some of the poems. Many other poems provide commentary to songs, mixtapes, paintings, art installations -- and looking up the original inspirations online (where available) almost always added invaluable depth and nuance to the poems.

What at first felt awkward drew me in deeper and further the more that I read. By the end I was clamoring for more! More poems! More paintings! Spotify playlists for the mixtapes! An interactive website to supplement the book! A rare instance in which I actually felt excited about an interconnected, multi-media, hypertext experience. Definitely my favorite use of QR codes so far.

An author I will definitely keep an eye out for in the future.