A review by itssarahc
Breathe by Sophia Soames


The summary for this book intrigued me, but it did not do the book justice. It didn't even scratch the surface of how amazing this book was. The characters were intriguing. The plot and the relationship between Luke and Ryan had me reading all through work, because I simply could not put it down.

So let's meet these amazing characters.

Ryan is a disgraced former porn star who got dumped by his boyfriend in New York and sent back to London with his tail between his legs by his manager. He finds himself forced to leave behind his old persona of Joey Hole and the glamor and fans that came with his career to live with his mom and try to figure out the ever important question of 'What's Next?' This puts him at college taking courses for personal training, something he has no real interest in, simply because its something that is enrolling.

At college, he meets Luke. Luke had his own fall from grace, but several years ago. Now he's poor, living with five siblings in a house that's too small, and burdened with responsibility when all he wants is to figure out his future. He is also enrolled in personal training classes, but he's a bit more excited about it than Ryan is. He's excited to try to make friends, something that has him pursuing Ryan, because Ryan is surly and always sits alone and another girl in the class has a crush on him.

Initially, Ryan gives Luke a hard time. Then, after an ill-fated trip back to New York, he remembers Luke's kindness. They've known one another for at least a month (maybe longer - the timeline is a little hard to follow in actual passing of time) by this point. After Ryan returns to London, he and Luke actually get to know one another - and find that they really like what they know.

What I like most about this book is the protagonists. Luke is not some ideal physical standard. In fact, in the beginning, he's not even considered handsome. Ryan, while conventionally attractive, is not very nice at first. He's incredibly guarded and has no intention of letting anyone in - for reasons you find out later in the book. They are not drawn together based on intense physical attraction - that is something that comes later as they get to know one another. Instead, they are drawn together by the fact that they're lonely and don't have a lot of other people they're friends with.

Another thing I like about the book is the inclusion of their Instagrams - and the way they provide insight into the characters. With Ryan's Instagram captions, you see a glimpse of the man that he was and the way he struggles to let go of Joey Hole. Then you see him rebuilding himself not as Joey, but as Ryan. With Luke's, you see his world begin to expand. Not simply because of Ryan, but because he gets to know his classmates. His siblings begin to have relationships and they start commenting. His friends' partners begin commenting. Its a visual representation of the way that his world expands.

I'm also a major sucker for good side characters and this book? Oh this book has some GREAT side characters. Luke and Ryan's classmates are amusing and distinct. Luke's siblings come off the page entirely and feel so incredibly real - especially his little sister Olive. Ryan's mom has me rolling many times in the story and cringing many other times. Each side character adds color and depth to the story, making the relationship and the world of Soames' London feel more real.

The pacing of this book was beautiful and the way that even an HEA (because you know there's an HEA before you even start reading. Its the genre) doesn't fix the way that these men are broken. It doesn't make them into perfect beings or perfect partners or perfect lovers. It doesn't fix their respective traumas. Instead, they learn to be good partners and to respect each other's traumas and to build a life WITH one another and their individual demons. Its not an insta-love by any means, which makes me incredibly happy. Its not a slow burn either, but I'm more than okay with things not being slow burn. Instead, its a very realistic pace.

I look forward to more of Sophia Soames' series. They will definitely be finding their way onto my Kindle as each is released because this? This was beautiful. I am in love with this love story.

WARNING: This book includes an off-screen sexual assault that is discussed. While it is not graphic, it is there. This book also includes mentions of gambling addictions, white collar crime, and parental neglect as major plot points.