A review by yazzy101
Break My Fall by Chloe Walsh


Well this isn't really what I expected for this book.

I may have read treacherous before this book, which I kind of wish I didn't. I like reading things in order. And I like know the backstory to the relationships so I can have side feels during the other books, when these characters act certain ways etc. anyway I did enjoy this book immensely.

Lee is running from her home. A place where nothing was good for her. Kyle is looking for an end to the bullshit in his life. When lee rocked up at her best friends door, asking for a place to live, she doesn't expect it to come with Kyle. Kyle is secretive, so is she. They both have troubled pasts. And they both find comfort in each other. Can they move past all the bullshit and be together?

I must say that Kyle kind of reminded me of mr. Grey. Is it just me? I mean he was rich, good looking, possessive, etc. it felt, at times, like I could see ones traits in the other.

Though I did like this book, I must say Kyle began to piss me off. The majority of the start of the book was either intense attraction or complete avoidance of the other, which started to annoy me. And I really hated the bit where he would like full on ignore her for months, and then you'd miss that section of their lives. I mean I kind of got why she did some time lapse and stuff but well, yer. Also I fucken hated Rachael with a passion, and I hated Kyle for being a little bitch when she was around. Like he feels like he owes her, but he fucken doesn't. Not like that at least, like he full on went into coward mode, which contradicted his character.

Overall I really liked this book. And am looking forward to reading the next as well, which is already lined up on my iBooks shelf.