A review by beabarcelos
When the Sky Fell on Splendor by Emily Henry


When I was a kid, I was terrified of black holes. I'd watched a documentary about the end of the world and Earth getting sucked into one was one of the possibilities. This hunted my imagination as a child and stayed with me all this time. I remember even drawing a black hole once, trying to elaborate the fear and transform it into something less tragic. After reading this book, I'm little less scared and it also made realize that there was something more to this fear of mine, that it wasn't simply about black holes. Once again, I feel like Emily Henry wrote a book to me. Once again, her writing breaks my heart takes my breath away, making me need to stop and take a moment before continuing reading, while also making me have so much fun. Once again, I leave her story feeling a little less lonely and little more understood and I will be forever grateful for that.