A review by little_hapa_librarian
Restart by Gordon Korman


Restart isn’t a bad book. Not at all, I quite enjoyed it and I did think Gordon Korman did a good job creating pretty distinct voices for each of his characters. I also really like the concept of a story where a bully is able to change his life around and realize that “nerd” things and “jock” things can all be cool and don’t have to live in separate vacuums. That being said, does the world really need another “bad white boy changes to become a good white boy” story? Chase gets given a second chance, and the whole town shows up for him. That is wonderful. Good for him. But what about the Trayvon Martin’s of the world who never even did half of what Chase did, and they get no chance? None at all? When I look at the book again through that lens, it changes how I see it. The world isn’t fair and it’s sad how much books like this prove that to me.