A review by pandorasxbox
A Clash of Kings by George R.R. Martin


It's pretty clear that this book is not for slow readers. I knew that, so I can't really blame myself. It was still really slow going, and it's probably going to be a while before I take a crack at the next one.

I did find this book infinitely more readable than A Game of Thrones. I think a part of it was due to the fact I watched the show before reading the first book, but put off watching the second season until I finished this book. The first season was so faithful to the book, it made it hard to drag myself through it. However, I do think that there was also an improvement in the way the book was written. It's difficult to pinpoint exactly what it was, but I had a much easier time actually reading it. I'm still not sure exactly how I feel about Martin's writing style, but I do appreciate seeing it grow.

Awesome side note- I started this book on my way to start my AmeriCorps Vista service, and only later learned that George R.R. Martin had served as a Vista when he was younger. It's the little things.