A review by citrusbergamottttttttt
Of Poseidon by Anna Banks


2.5 stars. buddy read

I remember in 2013 when this book was all the rage. Most of my friends were hounding me to read this book and now that I'm older.. I don't understand the hype that much.

I was really close to DNFing this book until the 50% mark. In the beginning, I felt the author couldn't figure out how she wanted the world to be and the characters were a mess. But halfway through it felt like the author got their groove and it became good after that. There was a major cliffhanger that I desperately need answers for but I will wait for this to go on sale/free on kindle before that happens. All in all, it is a mediocre book that you can fly through when you need something easy. Bonus points if you like mermaids.