A review by sianny
Help Me Remember by Corinne Michaels



I’m a little torn about this one TBH.

On the one hand, the writing is so compelling that you can’t help but get sucked into the story.

But…I just found a few things too implausible. Like there is no way Spencer would have been that cool, calm and collected about the whole situation when Brielle first woke up. And no way he would have been that good of an actor to keep his shit together with the whole Henry situation.

And would the police and DA really tell everyone not to tell her aaaaaanything about the 3 years she’d forgotten, so as not to potentially hinder a case they didn’t even have a suspect for?

I know I’m just moaning as usual but it’s the kind of book you get so wrapped up in that you want to throw it across the room and shout at the characters for their decisions - chapter 35, I’m looking at you.