A review by lifeinthebooklane
Dirty Work by Brenda Rothert, Chelle Bliss


Despite it technically being a slow burn romance, this little scorcher was hot enough to make my kindle melt.

Despite having purchased this nearly 18 months ago somehow it had got buried on my kindle and I hadn't read it yet, gasp, horror. I really don't know why either because I've yet to read a Chelle Bliss book that I haven't really liked and enjoyed. However I had signed up to read Dirty Defiance and needed to read this first, hence it's unearthing from the depths. I'm pleased to say that this didn't break the pattern of being a hot, sexy and very enjoyable read.

Reagan is the daughter of the outgoing democratic senator and a career politician. In fact politics are her very life blood so she lives and breathes it. Jude is the hot AF ex-marine republican candidate challenging her for the seat. A series of planned meetings and bad scheduling events mean Reagan and Jude keep bumping into each other. Despite being political enemies their minds, bodies and souls have different ideas, so instead of fighting each other instead they fight their desire for each other. Until they don't. But how can they find their HEA when only one of them can win and the other must lose everything they've worked for?

Oh my Jude is one rough, tough alpha male, but with a respect for women that stops him shy of being arrogant or unappealing. Reagan is a wonderfully strong woman without being bitchy or inconsistent in her character. This pair put me in mind of James and Izzy from Resist Me, though the stories and characters are very different. The story totally drew me in, to the point that I ended up reading far too late into the night just so that I could finish it.

This couple have such an amazing chemistry and I loved that they took time to build their connection, rather than jumping straight into bed and love with each other. A lot of their relationship was conducted via text messages and face-timing, with the odd snatched evening or few hours together. I believed in their attraction to the other, and in the bond that they formed.

As long as you don't object to the occasional bad word or steamy scene then I would recommend this to you as a book that should not only be on your TBR list but should be on your kindle and next on your list to read.