A review by lazygal
Hunters of the Lost City by Kali Wallace


As an adult, I've read this before (think, the various books in the Giver series, City of Ember, etc.) but as a pre-teen probably not so using that as my guide... it's ok. At times I had to remember how old Octavia was, but perhaps that was due more to living in a city that was the only place to survive the war. And those ferox? Such an interesting creation. I wish we'd learned more about the magic charms that keep them under control, and spent a little more time with Master Flavia. Instead, we get a lot of the action and adventure parts being a little rushed - usually I'm part of the "less is more" brigade, but here more would definitely been better. Not a lot more, just enough to really flesh out the world that Wallace has created.

eARC provided by publisher via Netgalley.