A review by piperclover
The Nobleman's Guide to Scandal and Shipwrecks by Mackenzi Lee

Did not finish book. Stopped at 29%.
I hate Monty in this. He has ruined this entire book for me and is the only reason I am dnf'ing.  I absolutely adore Adrian. His anxiety is so real and truly relatable and I like Louisa lot.  I just really really hate Monty. I was excited when I found out that Monty and Percy are part of this book, I was intrigued by the synopsis, and I enjoyed the setup but Monty is such an asshole that I cannot stand him. 

He's entirely unempathetic and has absolutely no decency whatsoever toward Adrian. I could understand being standoffish and hostile in the beginning when he didn't understand where Adrian was coming from and what Adrian knew and didn't know but as soon as the misunderstanding was cleared up he should have become more polite.  Instead he just continues to be outright cruel to Adrian and I will not ever find that redeemable. It has just straight up ruined any fondness and affection I had for Monty from his own book and I am sad for Adrian. 

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