A review by ncrabb
Rebel in the Ranks: Martin Luther, the Reformation, and the Conflicts That Continue to Shape Our World, by Brad S. Gregory


I blew through this one more quickly than I expected to, and not because I skipped and skimmed. I did neither. I was surprised by how easy it was to be engaged in the book, and I heartily commend Mr. Greggory for a writing style that was both approachable and engaging. He could have opted for a technique that would have resulted in a dense tome that I would have given up on without regret.

Instead, Greggory explores the impact of the reformation on everything as far ranging as population changes in Europe to the 2016 election in the Unted States. I'm oversimplifying his perspective a bit, but he points out that many of the components that drove the latest presidential election had their beginnings in the reformation.

I was particularly fascinated by all the intrigue and machinations that went on in England during that time. It looked to me like the entire lot of these people were steeped in apostasy. But I was also struck with the genuineness of some of the reformers to reject the worst and most ostentatious trappings of leadership in the various churches.

This is highly readable and adds much to our present time.