A review by heatherbermingham
U2: At the End of the World by Bill Flanigan, Bill Flanagan


I read this many years ago but recently came across it while (finally) unpacking boxes of books and found myself reading it again. Bill Flanagan followed U2 pretty closely for a 2-3 year span starting with the recording of Achtung Baby and through the Zoo TV tour and recording of Zooropa. Definitely one of the best singer/band books I've read. Flanagan was fortunate to capture a really interesting time in the band's career, he got incredible access to them and the people around them, and all 4 members of U2 were incredibly open and honest with him about themselves and each other. I especially enjoyed, both on my first read and again now, hearing more from Larry and Adam who generally stay out of the spotlight a lot more than Bono and Edge. Reading this now, almost 30 years after its publication, knowing that U2 is still together is pretty fun and honestly, kind of sweet. Whatever you may think of their recent music, that alone is some kind of achievement.